
Dispatching is how you send work to the field. You can send a record with some of the information prefilled to give field users what they need to start their work. This topic describes dispatching at a high level and lists the different ways you can send a record to your workforce.

Available on all tiers, with more options on the Advanced and Enterprise tiers:


Video demo

Learn from an expert! This video shows you the different ways you can send work to the field.

Key Concepts

Send jobs to your workforce by dispatching the work. You can:


To send records:

  1. Make sure your form can be dispatched. Open the form in edit mode and go to Settings > Workflow Settings > Form Initiation Methods. Select either Inbox or Inbox and Forms Box. By default, forms have Inbox and Forms Box selected.

    Tip:If you’re on the Enterprise tier, these options also switch on group dispatching.

    If your team is on the Enterprise tier, to open records from the Group Inbox, the form must have Search enabled.

  2. Make sure mobile users can access their Inbox. Go to Your username > Team SettingsClosed The Team Settings page is the page where an admin can manage their team's account and edit certain information, such as assigning a Problem Contact Email Address, toggling push notifications, and viewing the account's billing information. > Mobile Device > Device Configuration > Actions > Update Custom Configuration. Select the option to display the Inbox.

  3. Make sure mobile users can access the Group Inbox (Enterprise tier only). Go to Your username > Team Settings > Mobile Device > Device Configuration > Actions > Update Custom Configuration. Select the option to display the Group Inbox.


(Enterprise tier only) With any of the dispatching methods, you can send the record to a user, a group of users, or all groups in a FormSpace.

If... Then send the record to a... The system...
  • You know which technician is available and has the skills to do the work

  • You want a specific technician to pick up the work, regardless of their availability.

User Assigns the record to the user. The user can open the record from their Inbox.
Enterprise tier only
  • You have a group of technicians with the right skills for the job

  • You want the next available technician to work on the record


Makes the record available for any user in the group to claim. The user can claim the record from their Group Inbox.

Note:A field technician must be online to claim a record from the Group Inbox.

  • Teams with different specialties or skills need access to the record to determine if they should claim it

  • You have different groups with similar skill sets that could pick up the work


Makes the record available for users in a FormSpace to claim. Users must be in a group that has Can Submit FormSpace permissions. Users can claim the record from their Group Inbox.

Note:A field technician must be online to claim a record from the Group Inbox.

Dispatching Methods

The way you choose to send work depends on your business objectives or process. You can set up automated dispatches or manually dispatch forms from the Web Portal.

Tip:(Enterprise tier only) With any of the dispatching methods, you can send the record to a user, a group of users, or all groups in a FormSpace.

Automated Dispatching

Automated Dispatching enables you to trigger dispatches under certain conditions that you set up in your third-party system or within TrueContext.

If you need to... Use...
  • Trigger automatic dispatches from your third-party system

  • Prefill contents using data from your third-party system

  • Automate sending multiple records at the same time

One of the following TrueContext API endpoints (Advanced and Enterprise tiers):


Automatically trigger a follow-up job when initial work is completed. This creates a new record with its own identifier that follows a separate workflow from the initial work

A Dispatch Data Destination (Advanced and Enterprise tiers).

Manual Dispatching

Manual Dispatching gives you more control and granularity over when to send a record, who to send it to, and the information to prefill.

If you need to... Use...
  • Control when to prefill and send a single record
  • Choose when to send a record to specific people
  • Make a single record available to groups
  • Send a record to test a new form
  • Manage work using the TrueContext platform rather than a third-party system

The Web Portal for a single-record dispatch.

  • Send multiple records at once
  • Prefill multiple records using data already organized in a spreadsheet format
  • Prepare multiple records in advance for simultaneous dispatch
  • Send each record to either a user, a group, or the groups in a FormSpace (Enterprise tier only).
A CSV file for a bulk dispatch.