Dispatch Data Destination

A DispatchClosed Data DestinationClosed is a way to automatically send out follow-up work that’s based on the information in a submitted record. When a field user submits their work, the destination creates a new record and sends it out to users. This topic describes how to set up Dispatch Data DestinationsClosed and provides some examples of how to use them.

Info:If your business requires an approval process for submitted work, use our Approval Workflows feature.

Available on the Advanced and Enterprise tiers:



Video demo

How a Dispatch Data Destination Works

A Dispatch Data Destination is triggered when a field user submits a record. The destination dispatches a new record that contains some or all of the information from the submitted record. The new record can use either the source (original) form or a different form.

For example, after a building inspector submits their work, three different Dispatch Data Destinations can automatically create three new records:

  1. One for electricians, which only includes information about the electrical work to be done.
  2. Another for building contractors, which only includes details about the structural repairs to be done.
  3. A third for HVAC technicians, which only includes information about the heating and cooling issues identified during the inspection.

Use a Dispatch Data Destination to ensure that:

  • Each field user gets the information they need to do their job.
  • Field users save time, because they don’t have to search for or enter information that's already available.
  • Follow-up work gets sent automatically and efficiently.

Why you should a User Data Source in the original form

If your source form prompts users to choose who should receive follow-on work, add a User Data Source to the form. This ensures that:

Basic Setup

Create the Data Destination, selecting Dispatch Data Destination as the type.

  1. Name the destination.
  2. Optionally configure Filtering.
  3. Configure Dispatch Data.
  4. Save the destination.
  5. In the Form Builder, link forms to the destination.

Dispatch Data

Target Form

When the data destination executes, the Target Form will be dispatched to the selected user. Ensure the target form is set up to allow dispatching in the Form Properties tab of the form builder.

Target User

In the Send To section, select a user to receive the target form with dispatched data.

Info:If you're on the Enterprise tier, you can dispatch a record to a user, a group, or to all groups in a FormSpace. The topic Dispatch Records to a Group describes this process in detail.

Note:If using DREL, keep in mind that this field is looking for the username. Consequently, the answer to the "Dispatch To" field must exactly match a username -- not their user ID, Display Name, etc. If the value does not match the username of an existing user, then the dispatch destination fails to execute. When referencing the User Data Source in the form, be sure to either:
    • Choose "Username" as the Display Column, and leave the Data Column empty.
    • Choose any other column as the Display Column and choose "Username" as the Data Column.

You can use %u[username] to specify the Target User, which sends the dispatched form back to the user who submitted the form.

Target Form Language

Info: The Multi-Language feature is available as an add-on to the Advanced and Enterprise tiers. With the Multi-Language feature, you can create a single form and provide it to your field users in multiple languages. You can also set up some types of Documents and files to translate content based on the form’s selected language.

Do you want the target form to open in the same language as the source form?

  • If yes, select Same as source form language.

    Tip:If the target form doesn’t have that language set up, the user selects a language when the form opens.

  • If no, select User selects when target form opens. The user can select any language that’s set up for the form.

Info:This setting only takes effect when both the source and target forms are Multi-Language enabled.

Dispatch Metadata

Dispatch metadata gives your users key information about their assigned jobs, including notes, priority, due dates, and locations. If a submitted form was initially dispatched with metadata, the Dispatch Destination can forward that metadata to the target form.

For information on what dispatch metadata is and how to use it, please read: Dispatch Metadata and Inbox Views


Dispatch Destination metadata settings

Dispatch Data

Choose which data to send through the target form.

Info:The topic Supported Question and Data Types for Dispatching describes the fields that you can prefill.

  • Select Automatically carry forward answers… to ensure that the destination maps answers from the submitted form to answers in the target form. The system only carries answers forward if a question’s Unique ID and data type exactly match a question in the target form.

  • Select questions in the Target Form to populate with data from the submitted form.
    • Target Question is the Unique ID in the target form that should be filled. Read more about Unique IDs here.
    • The Answers to Dispatch can reference question answers and metadata from the submitted form using DREL. Static text can also be included.

Note:If you are using Conditional Logic to "Set" an answer on a question, we highly recommend that you don’t dispatch to this question. The Conditional Logic and dispatched data may conflict and produce inconsistent results.

Sample Dispatch labels

Dispatch Files

Files can be dispatched between questions of the following question types: File Upload, Image, Signature, and Sketch Pad. This can be useful for images that are specific to a job, like a site-specific floor plan, a chart for the mobile user to reference, or a sketch produced in a form from an earlier site visit or job estimate. A photo collected from an Image question can be dispatched to a Sketch Pad question, and vice versa.

As with all control types, checking Automatically carry forward answers… takes data from the dispatching form and automatically routes it to fields in the Target Form with corresponding Unique IDs. Read more about Unique IDs here.

To manually define files to dispatch from the submitted form to the Target Form, you can use a DREL expression in the Answers to Dispatch field. The field must be formatted as:


where QuestionUniqueID is the unique ID for the File Upload, Image, Signature, or Sketch Pad question.

Unlike dispatching to simple text data types, static text cannot be included in the Answers to Dispatch when dispatching files. For more information, see Supported Question Types for Dispatching: Attachment Format.

The following example shows a photo collected by a question with the unique ID "Photo" that is configured to dispatch to a field with the unique ID "Image1" in the Target Form. In this example, the DREL expression extracts the answer from the question “Photo” and formats the answer as contentType|bytes.

Example of an Image Unique ID field in a Dispatch Destination

There is no difference in the DREL expression formatting between Image, File Upload, Sketch Pad, or Signature questions, simply use the correct unique ID.

Dispatch Barcode Scanner values

Barcode data requires specific formatting, including both type and value.

We support the following barcode types:

  • UpcA

  • UpcE

  • Ean8

  • Ean13

  • Code39

  • Code128

  • Itf

  • QrCode

The following types of barcodes are supported but might be difficult to scan on older devices:

  • DataMatrix

  • Pdf417

To prefill Barcode Scanner questions, you can:

  • Configure your destination to Automatically carry forward answers…. The dispatched form includes any Barcode Scanner answers from the submitted form if the question Unique IDs match.

  • Specify the barcode type and value using the following DREL expression format:


    where [UniqueID] identifies the Barcode Scanner question and [barcodeType] and [barcodeValue] are additional properties.

Dispatch Geo Locations

Specify the geo location to dispatch using the following DREL expression format:


where [UniqueID] identifies the Geo Location question and [coordinates] returns the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the geo location.

The following example shows a Dispatch Destination configuration. The geo location from the question NewSite prepopulates the question SiteLocation in the dispatched form.

Dispatch destination configuration for a Geo Location question. The Target Question is a question with the Unique ID SiteLocation. The DREL expression that specifies the answer to prepopulate is %a[NewSite][coordinates].

Response Configuration

When a Dispatch Data Destination executes, it creates a Data Record in the TrueContext system and generates response outputs. Do you want the system to store the Form Submission ID and Reference Number of the forms that the Data Destination dispatches?

  • If yes, select the option to Store all response outputs for use in later destinations.

  • If no, keep the default Don’t store response outputs.

Info:The topic Store Response Outputs for Dispatch and Customer Feedback Data Destinations describes the Data Destinations response outputs in more detail.

Use Case: Dispatch a Link to the Form Submission Document

In cases where the recipient of a dispatch needs to view the document for the submitted form, the URL can be dispatched to them along with other data. This URL can then be launched directly within the form using the “Data Type Launcher” Functionality. In this example, we will dispatch a Web Portal link to the PDF document so that the user can open it in an external browser.

In the Form Builder:

  1. Open the Target Form in the Form Builder.
  2. Add a Text question with a URL data type (Text-> URL-> Textbox).
  3. Mouse over the question and Edit Properties.
  4. On the Properties tab, select Allow mobile users to launch a web browser… and Open the link in an external web browser.
  5. Save and close.

Data Destination Configuration: 

  1. Edit the Data Destination. Select the Dispatch Configuration tab.

  2. In the Form Answers section, in the Target Question field, Enter the Unique ID of the URL question.

  3. In the Answers to Dispatch field, enter the URL:


    Add the Unique ID of your URL question to the "Target Question" column. Then, in the "Answers to Dispatch" column, add the URL provided in the instructions.

    This extracts the reference ID of the submitted form and inserts it into the link.

When configured as above, the recipient of the dispatch will receive a link to the form submission document, which they can tap to launch in their browser.

Use Case: Dispatching to Different Forms Based on an Answer

You can use one submitted (source) form to dispatch data to a number of different forms. The source form can be simple, with a few questions containing customer contact information, or it can be complex, making use of Conditional Logic to hide questions not applicable to what the user has selected as a target form. In either case, a separate Dispatch Data Destination is required for each Target Form.

  1. In the Form BuilderClosed, create a dropdown question where a user can select a form name (from a data source or otherwise). For the purposes of this example, the unique ID is "TargetForm", and one of the answers is "Work Order."

  2. Create a Dispatch Data Destination and select "Work Order" as the Target Form.

  3. In the Data Destination Filtering tab, configure as shown below. The data destination for the "Work Order" form will only execute and dispatch to a user if "Work Order" is selected. Configure other data destinations for the other target forms similarly.

    Example of a Dispatch Data Destination filter rule