Form Building Basics

Building a custom form is easy and intuitive with the Form Builder. This article describes how to create a form.


Video demo

This video provides a brief demo of how to create a form in the Form Builder.


What are Pages?

Pages are the main way to structure a form—they are equivalent to a “screen” in the Mobile App. They form the main navigation of a form, dividing a form into a sequence of clear steps.

Tip:When mobile users need to scroll a lot, they are more likely to miss a question or get lost on a page—especially on smaller devices like mobile phones. To minimize scrolling, make sure no more than 40 questions will be shown on a page at once (and break them up into multiple sections). If you have more than that, it’s time for a new page!

Pages in the Form Builder

  • Pages in a form are listed in the left navigation panel of the Form Builder.
  • The contents of the currently selected page are listed on the right.

The Form Builder main page


What are Sections?

Sections are containers for questions within a page. They are shown in the right panel of the Form Builder. There are different types of sections and layouts to choose from.

Sections and Layouts

The following table describes each section type and layout.

Section type Layout Example Works best for…
Regular Full-width, over-under (“stacked”) Regular section titled "Failure Details" with the question text "Photos of problematic inspection items" displayed full-width "over" (above) the answer field, which also displays full-width
  • Long question text or answers

  • Question types that display best as full-width

Regular with Multicolumn Layout

(Enterprise tier only)

Flexible, questions flow from one column to the next macOS view of a Regular section with a Multicolumn Layout that spans six columns. The image shows how you can set up questions to span a specific number of columns, expand to fill empty space, and always start the next question on a new line.
  • Fitting a lot of information into a single, concise view

  • Giving form designers precise control over how questions are presented to field users


(Enterprise tier only)

Two-column, with configurable ratio Side-by-Side section titled "Job Details" with question text "Job name" displayed next to a dropdown answer field
  • Short question text

  • Short answer text

  • Short option descriptions


(Enterprise tier only)

Full-width, over-under (same as a Regular SectionClosed A Regular Section is a set of related questions grouped together for easy reference. The data captured is “non-repeating”. That is, field users enter a single instance of each answer.) Template-based section titled "Health and Safety Checks" with the question text "Floor Number" displayed "over" (above) the answer field, which also displays full-width
  • Reusable groups (blocks) of questions to help the Admin build forms more quickly and consistently, such as audit-based forms


Summary Table for quick reference and editing

Repeatable section titled "List Materials" with the Summary Table view that shows column 1 "Material type" and column 2 "Quantity", with two rows (entries) completed

Note:Use a Repeatable SectionClosed A Repeatable Section is a subform that contains a set of related questions. The data captured is “repeating”, because the field user can complete the same subform more than once, which creates multiple entries. only for its intended purpose of adding information in a repeating subform. Do not use a Repeatable Section to achieve a particular layout. If you need additional layout options for questions in a Regular Section, consider upgrading to the Enterprise tier, which includes a Multicolumn Layout.

Summary Table Enterprise tier options

Compact viewClosed The term "compact view" refers to a Summary Table in a Repeatable Section. The compact view displays the Summary Table "inline" with the rest of the form. The "full view", by contrast, displays only the Summary Table. options include:

  • Wrap rows to new line
  • Hide headers

This example shows rows wrapped and headers hidden:

HVAC System Inspection summary table compact view that shows the third column wrapped to a new line and the column headings "Unit Type", "Part Wear or Damage" and "Inspection Result" inset in the cells. It's obvious from the user's answers ("Furnace, No Wear or Damage", "No Repairs Required") that the headers aren't needed to provide context.

The Full viewClosed The term "full view" refers to a Summary Table in a Repeatable Section. When a field user selects the "View All" option, the table opens in full view, and no other part of the form is visible. The "compact view", by contrast, displays the Summary Table "inline" with the rest of the form. (View All) options that help field users to show only relevant information include:

  • Allow users to sort by columns
  • Allow users to filter by one column

This example shows the filter option:

When the subform opens, the layout can be over-under, Multicolumn, or Side-by-Side Repeatable section "Materials Used" with an entry (sub-form) open that displays the Side-by-Side two column layout, with question text on the left and answer fields on the right

Info:The topic Form Layout Options provides more details about the different layouts.

Regular Sections

A Regular Section is a set of related questions grouped together for easy reference. The data captured is “non-repeating”. That is, field users enter a single instance of each answer. Regular Sections divide questions into logical groups, visually breaking them up and making it easier for mobile users to navigate a page.

Regular Sections group your questions under headers in the right panel of the Form Builder.

The Form Builder Section Headings

Tip:When mobile users are faced with a lot of questions with no visual separation, the form is harder to use and they are more likely to miss a question. A Regular Section should have no more than 10 questions shown at once. If you have more than that, it's time to create a new section! Customers on the Enterprise tier can use a Multicolumn Layout or Side-by-Side Sections to display questions in a condensed view.

Info:The topic Regular Sections describes in detail how to use a Regular Section.

Side-by-Side Sections (Enterprise tier only)

In a Side-by-Side Section, questions and answers appear next to each other in a two-column layout. This layout removes unnecessary space, which helps the field user efficiently scan and answer questions.

The Form Index displays the Side-by-Side icon The Side-by-Side section icon that displays next to the section name in the Form Index. The icon is a two-column table with two rows. next to the Side-by-Side section name. When you add questions to the section, the Form Builder shows the questions in a two-column layout.

A Side-by-Side section labelled "Sign Off" in the main Form Builder pane view. The Side-by-Side section displays its questions in a two-column layout, and has two questions set to full width.

  • Use the Change Section Type setting to easily switch between Regular and Side-by-Side sections. You don’t have to re-create existing sections. Edit the section to change its type.

  • When you select a question-answer ratio, think about the question types you plan to include in the section. Wider question types, like Button Group, don’t fit well in smaller answer widths, especially on smaller devices.

Info:The topic Side-by-Side Sections describes in detail how to set up a Side-by-Side Section.

Repeatable Sections

A Repeatable Section is a subform that contains a set of related questions. The data captured is “repeating”, because the field user can complete the same subform more than once, which creates multiple entries. Repeatable Sections are typically used to collect the same set of information about different items, such as parts, quantity, and price.

Field users benefit from a summary view of the data collected. Each entry is displayed as a line item in the Summary Table.

Note:Use a Repeatable Section only for its intended purpose of adding information in a repeating subform. Do not use a Repeatable Section to achieve a particular layout. If you need additional layout options for questions in a Regular Section, consider upgrading to the Enterprise tier, which includes a Multicolumn Layout.

Repeatable Sections look like a table in the right panel of the Form Builder. This is not a preview of how the Mobile App displays the form.

The Form Builder Repeatable Section Headings

Info:The topic Overview: Repeatable Sections describes in detail how to use a Repeatable Section.

Template-Based Sections

Template-Based Sections allow you to quickly and easily create and edit groups of questions that follow a repeated pattern. These kinds of repeated sets of questions are often seen in inspection, audit, or checklist-based forms.

Template-Based Sections appear in the Form Builder as blocks of questions that reference a specific template.

An example of a Template-Based Section in the Form Builder. The example shows a set of four questions for a bedroom inspection, based on a Template titled "Room Inspection".

Info:The topic Building Template-Based Sections describes in detail how to use a Template-Based Section.


What are Questions?

Questions are what mobile users interact with in the mobile form. Users can type with a keyboard, select from a list of options, or attach files in order to provide answers.

There are many kinds of questions that can be added to a form.

  • Question Type determines how users interact with the question and what it looks like (such as manually typing in a response rather than selecting it from a list).
  • Data Type determines the kind of information the question should collect (such as a number, a date, or a signature, for example).

Info:The topic Question and Data Types in the Form Builder provides a complete list of all the available options.

Tip:We recommend that you use different types of questions in your form. This helps to keep the field user’s attention and to capture data accurately. When consecutive questions are all the same type, the form can get monotonous and cause users to miss a question. Vary your question types. Button Group questions, for example, use color to highlight the answer. Your forms will be more usable, and your mobile users will appreciate it.

Questions in the Form Builder

Questions are found in sections and are shown in the right panel of the Form Builder.

The Form Builder main page

Create Your Form

  1. From Manage Forms in the Web Portal, select Create New Form.

  2. Select Build a Mobile Form from the window that appears.

  3. Once the Form Builder has loaded, you'll be on the General Information screen. Give your form a Form Name and Form Description. You'll be able to edit this later if you desire.

Build Pages

Add a Page

  1. In the left navigation pane of the Form Builder, select Add a Page.

    "Add a Page" on the Form Builder sidebar

  2. Name your page.

    Mobile users will see this name in the mobile form in the left navigation, and at the top of the screen.

  3. (Optional) Customize the page's Unique Identifier.

    This identifier is referenced in Conditional Logic, analytics, and other parts of the Form Builder.

  4. (Optional) Select where the page should go in your form.

    By default, new pages are inserted at the end of the current page listing.

  5. Select Save at the bottom of the page.

Edit, Delete, or Copy a Page

These actions can all be accessed from the menu icon beside the page name in the right panel of the Form Builder.

Expand the dropdown menu to edit, copy, or delete a Page.

  • Edit: This will bring up the Page Information screen, where you can modify the page name and Unique Identifier.

  • Copy Page: The page will be copied. If copying a page with self-contained Conditional Logic (i.e., all rules and effects are contained within the page), then the Conditional Logic rules will also be copied.

  • Delete Page: This will permanently remove the page from the form. This may impact and cause errors in other parts of your form or Conditional Logic.

  • Delete Multiple Form Elements: This opens a window that lists all the form elements. Select multiple form elements to delete at once. If Conditional Logic rules or other questions reference an element, deleting it might create conflicts or errors in parts of your form.

    Info:The topic Form Building Basics: Delete Multiple Form Elements describes how to delete multiple form elements in more detail.

Move a Page

In the left navigation, select and hold the dotted icon while dragging the page to the desired location. Or edit the page and select the desired location under Page Placement.

Build Sections

Add a Section

  1. Make sure you are on the desired page.

  2. Select Add a Section at the bottom of the right panel.

    Add a Section to a Form Builder page

  3. Choose your Sections and Layouts.

  4. Name your section.

    • Mobile users will see this name in the header above each section in the mobile form.

    • If you don't name your section, the header won't show up, and there will be no visual separation between sections. This is usually done for the first section on a page.

  5. (Optional) Customize the section's Unique Identifier.

    • This identifier is referenced in Conditional Logic and other parts of the Form Builder.

  6. Choose whether to Show Section Header on Mobile Device.

    Select to show the Section Header on mobile.

    • If OFF, the header will not show in the mobile form, but it WILL show in documents.

    • If ON, there are two additional options:

      • Allow mobile user to collapse and expand this section: Using the  and  icons, your mobile users can make the questions in the section shown or hidden. This is useful for space saving on larger forms.
      • Start section in collapsed state: Users will have to manually tap the  button to expand the section.
    • Tip:On the Mobile App, a headerless section will collapse or expand with the section above it. For example, if your form has a section with a header followed by three headerless sections, all four sections will collapse together.

  7. (Side-by-Side Sections only) Select a question-answer ratio for the section layout.

    The question-answer ratio affects how the Side-by-Side Section appears on form pages in the Mobile App. It has no effect on the summary view, document formats, or Web Portal display.

  8. Select Save to add the section to your form.

Edit, Delete, Move or Copy a Section

These actions can all be accessed from the menu icon beside the Section name in the right panel of the Form Builder.

Expand the dropdown menu to edit, copy, move, or delete the Section.

  • Edit: This will bring up the Section Information page. You can change between Regular and Side-by-Side sections from this page.

  • Copy Section: The section will be copied. If copying a section with self-contained Conditional Logic (i.e., all rules and effects are contained within the section), then the Conditional Logic rules will also be copied.

  • Move Section: This will open a list of sections in the form. You can choose to move this section to after any of the listed sections.

  • Delete Section: This will permanently remove the section from the form. This may impact and cause errors in other parts of your form or Conditional Logic.

  • Delete Multiple Form Elements: This opens a window that lists all the form elements. Select multiple form elements to delete at once. If Conditional Logic rules or other questions reference an element, deleting it might create conflicts or errors in parts of your form.

    Info:The topic Form Building Basics: Delete Multiple Form Elements describes how to delete multiple form elements in more detail.

Build Questions

Add a Question

  1. Navigate to the desired section.

  2. Add a question.

    You have two options when adding a new question:

    • Hover between two questions, and select the plus sign [+].

      The plus icon. Selecting this option allows you to insert a question between two existing questions.

    • Scroll to the bottom of a section and select ADD A QUESTION.

      The Add a Question Button. This button appears the bottom of every section on the Form Builder.

    To move a question, drag it to one of the separators between questions or to an empty section. You can also move a question to another page by dragging it to the Form Index.

  3. Choose a Question Type.

  4. Provide Question Text.

    This is the “Question” you are asking users to respond to, or instructions on what kind of information to enter. You can format the question text to make it easier for your users to read.

  5. Customers on the Enterprise tier can choose to Hide question text on device. This saves space in a Regular Section with an over-under or Multicolumn layout.

  6. (Optional) Customize the Unique Identifier. This identifier is referenced in Conditional Logic and other parts of the Form Builder.


  7. Choose a Data typeClosed Data types describe the format in which a user answers a question. For example, a user might enter a name (Text) in one question, and a dollar amount (Currency) in another. A data type also supports validation (making sure that mobile users enter a valid email address format, for example).. The list of available data types will differ depending on what question type you chose. For more information on Data Types, please read: Question and Data Types in the Form Builder

    Select a Data Type for your form question

  8. Select any necessary Restrictions:

    • Required

    • Read-Only

    • Hidden on Device

    • Hidden on Reports

    • Keep question width to 100% (Side-by-Side Sections only)

  9. The remaining configuration options (In the Options and Properties tabs, if present) will differ based on your question and data type. For more information please read: Question and Data Types in the Form Builder.

  10. (Optional) Add Help Properties. Read more here.

Edit a Question

To edit a question, simply select the question. Its properties will open again.

Delete, Move or Copy a Question

These actions can all be accessed from the menu icon beside the Question in the right panel of the Form Builder.

Expand the dropdown menu to copy, move, or delete the Question.

  • Copy Question: The question will be copied.

  • Move to Section: This will open a list of sections in the form. You can choose to move this question into any of the listed sections. You can also drag and drop the question within the same page or onto different pages.

  • Move within section: This opens a menu of questions in the same section. You can choose to move the question before or after any of the questions listed.

  • Delete Question: This will permanently remove the question from the form. This may impact and cause errors in other parts of your form or Conditional Logic.

  • Delete Multiple Form Elements: This opens a window that lists all the form elements. Select multiple form elements to delete at once. If Conditional Logic rules or other questions reference an element, deleting it might create conflicts or errors in parts of your form.

    Info:The topic Form Building Basics: Delete Multiple Form Elements describes how to delete multiple form elements in more detail.

Delete Multiple Form Elements

Tip: We recommend saving your form before performing bulk actions. If you delete pages, sections, or questions in error, exit the draft without saving your changes. If you already saved the draft, go back to a version of the form prior to the deletion.

  1. Select the menu next to a page, section, or question, and then select Delete Multiple Form Elements.

    A section with the dropdown menu expanded. The mouse hovers over Delete Multiple Form Elements.

    Result: A window with a list of form elements opens.

  2. Select every element you want to delete. The element you selected to open the window, and any nested elements, are selected by default.

    The Select Form Elements modal. One section and nine questions are selected for deletion.

    Note:Deleting a form element also deletes any nested elements. For example, if you delete a page, any nested sections and questions will also be deleted.

  3. Select Delete > Confirm.

Save your Form

Once you have finished building your form, there are several options to save it. These options can be found at the top right of the Form Builder.

Save options in the Form Builder

Save as DraftClosed A draft form is a partially filled-out form saved on a device, or a preliminary version of a form that's been saved but not deployed in the Form Builder.

Saves the current form as a draft. Drafts are only deployed to Admin users and users who have “Can Test” permissions.

Save and Deploy

Saves the form as an Active version and deploys it to mobile devices. Save and deploy is typically used only when a form has been completed and is ready to be deployed to end users.

This option is not available if there is an error in your form.


Prompts you to save a draft or discard your changes.