FreeMarker Custom PDF Layout

This recipe shows you how to import a form and an associated PDF Document from the Forms LibraryClosed The Forms Library is a resource available to form designers that provides a list of customizable form and Data Source templates. Users can select a form from the Forms Library when they create a new form.. The PDF Document uses a FreeMarker custom layout that’s set up to:

Available on the Advanced and Enterprise tiers:




Our Standard layouts are designed to work with any form, and they support our Multi-Language Feature. Standard layouts offer a variety of formatting options that you can use to tailor your business document or report. When you need even more control over your document layout and structure, use a Custom Layout.

Why use FreeMarker?

When you need the full power of a programming language to build templates with sophisticated loop and conditional structures, the Apache FreeMarker Template Language (FTL) can achieve results that other template types can’t.

What’s the result?

The resulting Document works with records in different states, such as Dispatched and Complete.

Get the PDF example for a Complete record

Get the PDF example for a Dispatched record


Import the example

The Forms Library includes a working Form DefinitionClosed A Form Definition is a template for an actual form or record that field users interact with. Using the Form Builder, you define the structure, layout, fields and data types, and logic of a form. A Form Definition also specifies resources available to users on their devices, such as Images and Documents, and mappings for data brought in from external sources. and FreeMarker code for a PDF Document.

Note:To use this example, your TrueContext Team must be on the Advanced or Enterprise tier.

  1. Sign in to TrueContext as an Admin user or a User in a group that has the Can Create FormSpace permission.

  2. Navigate to the FormSpace where you want to import the example:

    Forms & Integrations > List FormSpaces > Name

  3. Go to Forms & Integrations > Create New Form > Select a Form from the Forms Library.

  4. From the list of Forms, select Inspection - FreeMarker.

  5. Select Import.

    Result: The Form DiagramClosed The Form Diagram is a visual overview of a selected form version found in the TrueContext Web Portal. The diagram provides details on the form's inputs and outputs and displays the user groups that can access the form. tab opens. Linked Data SourcesClosed Data sources, also known as "Lookups", are external sources of data that you upload or connect to TrueContext. You can reference this data in a form to populate answers or answer options. Data sources save typing, reduce errors, and make it easy to provide mobile users with only the relevant, most current data. and output Documents are included with the imported Form Definition.

    Tip:If your FormSpace has auto-linked Documents and Data DestinationsClosed A Data Destination specifies where to send data from a submitted form. You can use Data Destinations to automate data sharing and storage, routing data to a specific service (such as email or cloud storage) in several different formats. set up, these are linked to the imported Form Definition.

Study the example

The imported example includes a Data SourceClosed Data sources, also known as "Lookups", are external sources of data that you upload or connect to TrueContext. You can reference this data in a form to populate answers or answer options. Data sources save typing, reduce errors, and make it easy to provide mobile users with only the relevant, most current data., a Form Definition, and a PDF Document. The document has a custom FreeMarker layout that’s based on the structure of the form.

Info:The topic FreeMarker Document Templates for TrueContext Data provides detailed syntax and other reference information.

  1. Navigate to the Inspection - FreeMarker PDF document in one of the following ways.

    • From the Form Diagram, select the document.
    • From the top menu, select Forms & Integrations > Documents > Inspection - FreeMarker.
  2. Select Formatting > Document Layout.

    Result: The Template Type section displays the CSS and HTML used to render the document. The example includes comments that explain the HTML code and FreeMarker expressions, as shown in the following example.

    Comment is "<!--Get address from GeoStamp based on mobile device location -->" to describe the purpose of the FreeMarker expression

  3. Select Edit Document > Formatting tab.

    Tip:The Data Node Format in this example is set to All Labels as Node Names. This option gives you precise labels you can use to reference specific nodes in the submitted record. Use this option when you want to place specific answers in specific places in your template output.

  4. Select Launch Document Editor.

    Result: The Custom Document Editor opens.

  5. On the Reference Data tab, in the Form list, select Inspection - FreeMarker.

  6. In the Submission list, select Sample Data.

    Result: The system generates a JSON data model that contains sample values.

    Info:The topic Syntax quick reference explains how to build FreeMarker expressions based on this data model.

  7. Go to the HTML tab. This tab contains the example FreeMarker expressions and directives, along with comments to explain the code.

    Compare the FreeMarker expressions to the data model shown in the Reference Data.

  8. Notice how lines 85-143 set up a Repeatable Section table to break after every 10 rows.

    • <#assign rows = dataRecord.pages.Inspection.sections.Inspection.rows>

      This line assigns the list of rows from the dataRecord object to a new variable called rows. This simplifies the reference to the rows, making the code cleaner and easier to read.

    • <#list rows as row>

      This line starts a loop that iterates over each item in the rows list. Each item in the list is assigned to the variable row for the duration of the loop.

    • <#if row?index % 10 == 0>

      This line checks if the index of the current row (row?index) is a multiple of 10. The ?index built-in returns the zero-based index of the current item in the list. The modulo operator (%) is used to determine if the index is divisible by 10 without a remainder.

    • <#if row?index != 0>

      This nested if statement checks if the index of the current row is not zero. This ensures that the closing </table> tag doesn’t output until the end of the loop.

    • </table>

      If the conditions of both if statements are met—the current row index is a multiple of 10 and not zero—this line outputs a closing </table> tag.

  9. Go to the CSS tab. This tab contains all of the style classes referenced in the HTML.

Preview the document

You can preview a document with either sample or actual data.

Note:Not all CSS properties are supported by the document generator. Be sure to preview and test your documents.

Preview with sample data

The TrueContext system generates sample values based on the fields in your Form Definition.

Info:Only one row of sample values is generated for each Repeatable Section. To thoroughly test your Repeatable Sections, follow the steps to Preview with actual data.

  1. Navigate to your document.

  2. Preview the document in either view or edit mode.

    • In view mode, hover over the name, and then select Preview.

      "Preview" at top of menu when you hover over the document name

    • In edit mode, select Preview.

      Edit document window that shows the "Preview" button

    Result: The system prompts you for the preview details.

  3. Select the Inspection - FreeMarker form, and then select Show Preview.

    Result: The system generates a PDF document that includes sample values.

    Note:The document in this example is designed to work with the Inspection - FreeMarker form. If you select a different form, you might get a document generation error.

Preview with actual data

You must dispatch or submit a record to make actual data available to preview. To preview a document that displays actual data, edit the document and select Launch Document Editor.

Info:To save time when testing a document with actual data, dispatch the record using the TrueContext REST API. Set up a Request Body and reuse it for testing. The API documentation provides instructions and examples of how to set up an API dispatch.

  1. Navigate to your document, and then select Edit Document.

  2. Go to the Formatting tab, and then select Launch Document Editor.

  3. On the Reference Data tab, select Form > Inspection - FreeMarker.

  4. In the Submissions list, select a record that you dispatched or submitted.

    Info:The record state is displayed at the beginning of the name in the list of Submissions. You can tell from the state which records were dispatched and which were submitted as complete.

  5. At the lower right of the page, select Preview as PDF.

    Result: The system generates a PDF document that includes actual values.


    Some data might not be available for all records, resulting in null or empty values when:

    Because the tree “nodes” of the data model depend on the design of each form, undefined nodes might result when you:

    • Use the same custom layout document with multiple forms.
    • Set up Question filtering to hide questions, pages, or sections, or set questions to Hidden on reports. Hiding parts of a form removes the corresponding nodes from the data structure.

    This example is set up to handle records that have null or empty values. This prevents document generation failure when a data set is incomplete.

Experiment with the example

Keep the following guidelines in mind as you build your own custom layouts:

  • Preview after each change to make sure the document works as expected.

    Info:When you save a document, the system creates a new version of the template and stores that version for 45 days. This helps you to quickly download a previous version if your current version isn’t working as expected.

  • Start with the HTML code and get it working correctly. You can add CSS properties later to style the content as needed.

  • Test the document with actual values from records in different states. If you want your document to handle records that might have null or empty values, set up your FreeMarker expressions accordingly.

Info:The topic Custom PDF, Word, and HTML Document Layouts describes how to set up a custom layout in more detail.

Document Generation Errors

The TrueContext system provides you with detailed error messages when document generation fails. This might happen because:

  • Your custom layout contains incorrect syntax.
  • Your data set has null or empty values that your layout doesn’t handle.

Document generation can fail during a preview, when a Data DestinationClosed A Data Destination specifies where to send data from a submitted form. You can use Data Destinations to automate data sharing and storage, routing data to a specific service (such as email or cloud storage) in several different formats. executes, or when a Web Portal user tries to download a document. Use the detailed error messages to fix the layout, and test your document thoroughly before using it in a Production environment.

Related topics

Want to know more? The following topics provide detailed information about the features and functionality used in this recipe.