Add a Multi-Language Document to a Form

A Multi-Language Document is an output document that's linked to a Multi-Language FormClosed A Multi-Language Form is a form that’s set up with different translations so that field users can choose their preferred language. Translated content includes page and section names, question text, help text, and other form content.. You can set up a Multi-Language Document to render in the languages that your field users, systems, and customers need. For example, if your company uses Spanish, and your customers use English, set up a document to generate a file for each language. This topic describes the steps to add a Multi-Language Document directly to a Multi-Language Form and as a Data DestinationClosed A Data Destination specifies where to send data from a submitted form. You can use Data Destinations to automate data sharing and storage, routing data to a specific service (such as email or cloud storage) in several different formats. attachment.

Available as an add-on to the Advanced and Enterprise tiers:

Advanced +Add-on
Enterprise +Add-on



Steps to add a Multi-Language Document directly to a Multi-Language Form

  1. Open your Multi-Language Form in edit mode (Forms & Integrations > List Forms > Form Name > EDIT FORM).

  2. Go to SETTINGS > Documents.

  3. On the Documents available for download field, start typing the name of your Multi-Language Document, and then select it from the list.

    Tip:Remember to Save and Deploy the form when you’re ready to make it available to your field users.

    Result: When a user submits the form, you can download the document from the Web Portal or using the TrueContext API. Depending on their team settings, users can also access the document from the TrueContext Mobile App Search and Sent lists.

    System-generated content, such as metadata, renders in the form’s selected language. This is the language selected by the field user, a dispatch, or an App‑to‑App call. Document details, such as headers, footers, and properties render in the selected language if

    • you added and activated the selected language as an Additional Language, and

    • you uploaded a translation file for that language.

    Otherwise, document details render in the document’s Source Language.

    Info:The topic Introduction to Multi-Language Documents describes how the system renders the document in more detail.

Steps to attach a Multi-Language Document to a Data Destination

  1. Open your Multi-Language Form in edit mode (Forms & Integrations > List Forms > Form Name > EDIT FORM).

  2. On the DESTINATIONS tab, select Add a Data Destination.

  3. Select a Data Destination that supports or requires Documents.

  4. In the Documents to attach field, start typing the name of your Multi-Language Document, and then select it from the dropdown list.

  5. In the Languages field, select the languages you want for this document:

    Info:These options are also available when you add a document to a Data Destination from the Form Outputs tab, or when copying or moving a form.

    Result: When a user submits the form, the Data Destination executes and sends a copy of the document in each of the specified languages. If any of the languages are duplicates, the system only generates one document per language. For example, if you select Spanish, and the Form Submission Language is also Spanish, the system only generates one document in Spanish.

    Tip:Remember to Save and Deploy the form when you’re ready to make it available to your field users.

    System-generated content, such as metadata, renders in the specified languages. Document details, such as headers, footers, and properties, render in the specified language if

    • you added and activated the language as an Additional Language, and
    • you uploaded a translation file for that language.

    Otherwise, document details render in the document’s Source Language.

    Info:The topic Introduction to Multi-Language Documents describes how the system renders the document in more detail.