Change How Form Submissions Are Named and Organized in Cloud Services

Supported Data Destinations

When you use Data DestinationsClosed A Data Destination specifies where to send data from a submitted form. You can use Data Destinations to automate data sharing and storage, routing data to a specific service (such as email or cloud storage) in several different formats. that send data to cloud services, form submission documents are automatically sorted into folders. You can customize how the document files are sorted and named, making it easy to organize and retrieve your data.

Custom folder and file names are available for the following Data Destinations:

Read more about how form submissions are named and organized in Google SheetsAmazon Glacier, and Amazon S3.

Sort Form Submissions into Folders

You can define custom folder and sub-folder names to organize document files. Specify a static name or use the data from submitted forms—such as customer name or job type—to customize the folder name.

  1. Under the Manage Forms tab, select Data Destinations. Create a new data destination, or select an existing one.

  2. Select the File Configuration tab.

  3. Enter the Form Submission Document Folder Expression. This is the folder your documents are sent to. If the folder doesn't exist yet, this action creates it.

  4. To test file structures adequately, submit a few forms to ensure folders are created as intended. An example of %f/%u%%a[Customer Name] is shown in the image below.

A file path with customer names pulled with DREL using unique IDs

Change How Document Files are Named

Set files to be named based on submitted data, such as customer name or job type.

  1. Under the Manage Forms tab, select Documents. Either create a new document, or choose an existing document to customize.

  2. In the Filename field, use Data Reference Expression Language (DRELClosed Data Reference Expression Language (DREL) is used to get form data and metadata and add it to a string, such as dates, usernames, or answers to questions in forms.) to specify how form submission documents are named.

    Note: When building a custom file name, always include a Unique Identifier, such as a date and time. If two documents have the same name, the newer of the two replaces the older.

    • %f—the form name.

    • %u—the user name of the user who submitted the form.

    • %a[Unique ID] —the answer to a specific question

    • Optionally, add static text for formatting: %a[Customer Name] -- %d -- %t]

      Example of a custom document filename

      The system displays a preview of the file name below the text area.

  3. To save your changes, select Update.