Managing Users

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A User is the identity for a person logging into your TrueContext account.

Having each person log in with a separate TrueContext user allows you to better track their activity and report on what work they have completed. It also allows you control their access to different parts of the TrueContext system, and which forms they have access to.

Note: Most TrueContext customers are on license-based subscriptions. Users are separate from licenses. Licenses are "available seats" and are what you pay for, while users are created to make use of those seats. Read more about managing your subscription.

View Existing Users

  1. Mouse over the Users & Groups tab and select Users.

    The Users & Groups menu with Users highlighted.

  2. You will see a list of all users currently on your account, with key fields shown in a table.


Filter the User List

You can search, sort, and filter the list of users to find ones that match your criteria. This is a good way of finding users who may need assistance.


  • Activity
    • Never Reconciled: The user has never used the mobile app, at least not while online.
    • Never Logged in: The user has never successfully logged in to the web portal or mobile app.
  • User Account Status
    • Access Suspended: The user is on a suspended subscription (typically due to a payment issues), and won't be able to log in.
    • Active: The user is NOT suspended.
    • Locked out: The user tried to log in to their username with the incorrect password 5 consecutive times. Their account was locked for security reasons, and they will need to reset their password to log in. Read more here about locked out accounts.
    • Password Expired: The user's password has expired, and they will need to set a new one before they log in. Read more here about password expiry.
  • Role
    • Admin, User, Mobile-Only User: Users set up with each of these roles. Read more about roles in User Roles.

Export a List of Users

Admins can export a list of users in their team as a CSV file. The data will include all users and their user information as set in their User Profile, and can be very useful for managing large teams.

  1. Go to the User List, as described above.

  2. From the Users drop-down menu, select Export users to CSV.

Sample Export Data

A sample CSV export of a team's users. It lists the details of five users: user ID, username, user role, email, preferred language, preferred time zone, billing info, and active devices.

More user details found in the CSV export of users: group names, group IDs, user aliases, account status (suspended or locked), password expiry date and status, account creation and last modified times, and user's last login.

Information Included:

  • User Information: user ID, username, First Name, Last Name, Company, Role, Groups, user alias pairs

  • Contact Info Fields: Email, Alternate Email, Phone Number

  • Account Information: Device, Billing Info, Suspended (True/False), Created Time, Last Modified Time, Preferred Time Zone

  • Activity Information: Last Login, Last Reconcile

  • Security Information: Locked State (Locked / Not Locked), Password Expiry Date, Password Status (Expired / Not Expired)

Add a User

If you have already purchased licenses, you can add users without assistance. Read here for more information about licenses.

  1. Mouse over the Users & Groups tab and select Create User.

    The Users & Groups menu with Users and Create User highlighted.

  2. You'll be presented with a form to fill.  Required fields are highlighted with an asterisk. These fields will be discussed below.


  • Mobile-Only User
  • User
  • Admin

Our User Roles documentation contains more detailed information.


This controls what access the user has to forms in the mobile app, or what extra admin permissions a regular user might have in the web portal. Read more about groups.

New users will be automatically added to Production Group.

If you would like to attach the user to a different pre-existing Group, move the selected group from Available Groups to Attached Groups.

Learn how to add users to different groups automatically.


TrueContext recommends sending users a link to set their own passwords.

Welcome Email

If the user will have the option to set their own password, they will always receive a "Welcome" email that will help them log in. It will include a link for them to click to set their own password.

The default welcome email a new TrueContext user receives. The email gives the user instructions on how to sign in and how to download the mobile app.

If you need to manually set a password for a user, it will NOT be emailed to them, as TrueContext cannot send user passwords in emails. In this case, you will be responsible for letting the user know what their password is in a secure way.

Update User

At any point, user information and roles can be updated by the Admin. Users and Mobile-Only Users have the ability to change their own user information but cannot change their role. For more information on how to update a user's profile, please refer to: User Profile

Change User Password

All users can change their own passwords. Admins can change passwords for other users on their team, except for other admins. Team admins must change their own passwords.

Info: Learn about setting password policies for teams.

For Admins:

  1. Navigate to the user's profile.

  2. Click the Change Password button.

For Users & Mobile-Only Users:

  1. Mouse over your username in the top right corner, and select User Profile.

  2. Click the Change Password button.

  3. Enter your Current Password and then set your New Password.

Delete User

Admins can delete users from their team.

  1. Navigate to the user's profile.

  2. From the <username> drop-down menu, select Delete.

  3. A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action. Click OK to delete the user.

    Result: The user account is deleted.

    • The user's submissions will remain and their username will be listed, but there will be no user profile associated with the form submissions.

    • If you created any Data Source partitions linked to a user, the system automatically deletes the partitions when you delete the user. Deleting the partition does not delete any data.

Note:Most customers have a license-based subscription. Deleting a user does not reduce your licenses, and therefore will not reduce how much you are billed at your next billing period. Read more about managing your subscription.

Latest Portal Logins

Admins can view the Latest Portal Logins of the users in their team. This will display the login statistics for a user, such as the date/time of logins, whether logins were successful or not, and the location of the user during logins.

View for a Specific User

  1. Navigate to the user's profile.

  2. From the <username> drop-down menu, select Latest Portal Logins.