Data Destinations

Data DestinationsClosed A Data Destination specifies where to send data from a submitted form. You can use Data Destinations to automate data sharing and storage, routing data to a specific service (such as email or cloud storage) in several different formats. send data from submitted forms, providing tight integrations with your work and asset management systems. Data Destinations are powerful tools for gaining insight into your assets and work processes.


  • Send notifications when a situation requires urgent or expert attention, such as a safety risk.

  • Notify stakeholders of relevant form submissions by email, SMS, Salesforce Chatter, or Slack, for example.

Automated workflows

  • Automatically dispatch a follow-up form that includes prefilled data from a previous form.

  • Automatically send a Customer Feedback form when work is complete.

Report documents

  • Bundle all of the data collected in the field—including images—into a single document for sharing and storage.

  • Choose from Google Drive™, Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive, Box, Dropbox™, and many other cloud storage services and take advantage of their native search capabilities.

Field-based and record-based systems

  • Precisely map form data and metadata to the table structures and objects in commonly used platforms.
  • Create or update items and records in Salesforce, SharePoint Lists, and Google Sheets™.
  • Leverage data collected in the field and complement your analytics and machine learning (ML) capabilities.

Webhook destinations

  • Implement both field-based and document-based integrations.
  • Send business documents such as PDF and Word files, or use JSON or XML documents to customize your integration.

Mix and match destinations

Key Concepts

Data Destinations control where data is sent when a form is submitted. Data is automatically routed to the chosen service in the format of your choice, making data sharing and storage an automated process.

Data Destinations can:

  • Deliver information in structured data formats, such as XML and JSON.
  • Route form submission data to cloud and enterprise services.
  • Create and update records in field-based systems such as Salesforce and Microsoft SharePoint.
  • Email user-friendly PDF or Word documents to customers.
  • Send notifications through SMS or social media.
When you want to… You should…
Update your form by adding new Data Destinations or Documents

Link the destination in the Form Builder:

Manage Forms > List Forms > FormName > Edit Form > Destinations > Add a Data Destination

Result: This creates a new version of the form.

Send data from past form submissions:

  • Send data from previously submitted forms to an additional data destination.

  • Attach an additional document to an existing Data Destination.

Note:Be careful if you add an email destination to a previous form version—the recipient could receive thousands of emails.

Edit the form outputs:

Manage Forms > List Forms > FormName > Form Outputs > Edit Form Outputs

Result: This triggers the destination for past submissions of the selected form version only. This does not create a new version of the form.

Tip:If you add the destination to the current version of the form, future versions of the form will also send data to the destination.


When you configure a Data Destination, you can:

  • Map data to objects in your target system.

  • Attach documents.

  • Specify the conditions that trigger the destination to run (Filtering). For example, you can configure the destination to run only when a form is submitted as Complete.

  • For some destinations, define matching criteria to overwrite existing records when the destination finds a match.

  • For Salesforce and HTTP Data Destinations, store the output of a “parent” destination. You can use the stored response output in subsequent Data Destinations to make sequential requests, such as for parent-child relationships.

Repeatable Destinations

A Repeatable Destination sends data from a specific Repeatable Section in a form. This enables you to create or update several rows of data using a single destination.

Repeatable Destinations are available for SharePoint List and Salesforce (except Apex REST) Data Destinations.

You can configure a standalone Salesforce Repeatable Destination or link a Repeatable Destination to a “parent” Salesforce record. For example, you can link a list of required parts to a parent Salesforce Order record.


Test your Data Destination before you add it to your production environment. To test a Data Destination, submit a form that’s linked to that destination, and then check in the Web Portal for execution errors:

Manage Forms > Data Destinations

If a Data Destination fails, TrueContext automatically retries the destination. Most failures correct themselves and require no intervention.

Tip:We recommend that you set up at least one Problem Contact Email AddressClosed A Problem Contact Email Address is an email address an Admin defines in their team settings. If an issue occurs, such as network problems that cause a data destination to be inaccessible, TrueContext sends an email to the Problem Contact Email Address. An Admin can override the team setting and specify a different email address at the FormSpace level. so that TrueContext can automatically send failure notifications.

Check that you receive emails (if configured) and make sure that your third-party system shows the submitted form data as expected.